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Metatrader 4 for PC

  • 1

    Download Metatrader 4

    Click this link to download the installation of Metatrader 4 files for PC. Run the file after you download it and you will see a screen like this.

  • 2

    Read the license agreement

    Carefully read and accept the Metatrader 4 License Agreement prior to installation

  • 3

    Select installation path

    Select the software installation path. Or leave everything as it is setup by default.

  • 4

    Install Metatrader 4

    Click OK to start the installation. The installation wizard will download the required files from Metaquotes Data Network and install them onto your PC. Have a bit of patience at this step please.

  • 5

    Run Metatrader 4

    After the software is installed, run it. You will see this account opening screen. PLEASE skip it by clicking the Cancel button.

  • 6

    Login to your account

    After you skip the initial screen, please login to your MT4 account with your account number and password. This done, you can use Metatrader 4 on your PC.